We’re thrilled to announce another exciting workshop for our early career event series. Please feel free to join and share.…
Wednesday 6th November 2024, 10.30am – 4pm, University of Nottingham. 2024 marks 50 years since the formation of what is…
The SCGRG has two upcoming events that they would like to share. We are especially excited about a special event…
Ahead of our AGM, the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society will be hosting an…
The 2020 AGM of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG) took place online on Friday 4th September. Thank…
The 2020 AGM of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG) will take place online on Friday 4th Sept…
The Postgraduate Forum Twitter Conference will be taking place from Tuesday 25 to Thursday 27 August. What is the PGF…
The RGS-IBG Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG) would like to invite expressions of interest for sponsored sessions for the RGS-IBG…
We are writing as chairs of the Gender and Feminist Geographies Research Group (GFGRG) and the Developing Areas Research Group (DARG)…
The 2019 AGM of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG) will take place at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference…