We’re thrilled to announce another exciting workshop for our early career event series. Please feel free to join and share.…
We are pleased to announce an upcoming event for early career geographers, with guest speakers providing insight into their experiences…
The following roles will be available from September this year. Elections to the Committee will be held at the Annual…
Careers From Development: Putting Critical Thinking into Action. A postgraduate careers event hosted by the Developing Areas Research Group Friday…
Inaugural SCGRG ‘Teaching Geography Research’ Workshop, Tuesday 11th December 2018, Museum of English Rural Life (MERL), Reading, UK. Overview and…
The Royal Geographic Society (with IBG) is running a half-day workshop for undergraduates, postgraduates and graduate geographers who are interested…
The Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M3C DTP) is a collaboration between the University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, De Montfort…
The Social and Cultural Geography research group, GFGRG and GLTRG research groups are sponsoring a session at the Royal Geographical Society…