The Higher Education Academy has a range of funding opportunities and events to support teaching and learning across geography. The following might be of interest to members of the social and cultural geography research group.
Doctoral research programme
- Funding to support seven PhD studentships with a focus on learning and teaching research:
International scholarship scheme
- Funding to facilitate scholarship of learning and teaching abroad, with a view to developing practice in the UK:
Seminar and workshop series
- Open call for psychology workshops. £1000 grant available plus additional £500 to cover speaker travel:
Academic associates
- Your opportunity to work for HEA on a consultancy basis, to make a difference to learning and teaching in UK Universities:
UK travel grants
- Funding available for individuals and teams to attend learning and teaching development events:
Teaching Development Grants
- Individual bids: call opens 3 January 2012. Up to £7k for successful bids:
- Collaborative grants: call opens 27 February 2012. Up to £60k for successful bids:
HEA conferences
- HEA STEM conference 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College, London. Online booking available at:
- HEA annual conference 3-4 July 2012, University of Manchester The call for sessions will open at the end of November and close on 13 January 2012. Online bookings will open 17 February 2012:
HEA Geography and Earth Sciences events
- Education for sustainable development workshop 16th February 2012, Bath Spa.
Keep in touch
- Email:
- Subscribe to receive updates: