The Social and Cultural Geography Research Group was delighted to sponsor the following sessions at the RGS/IBG conference in London 31 Aug – 2 Sept 2011.
Sole sponsor
- (Re)Imagining Materialities
- Geographies of Humour and Humorous Geographies. Session 1, session 2.
- Mobile Geographies of Art: Bodies, technologies and transnationality. Session 1, session 2
- ‘Emerging from the dark’: explorations into the experiences of the night. Session 1, session 2, session 3, session 4
- Emerging geographies of animal-technology co-productions
- Exhibitionary Geographies and the Post-Museum. Session 1, session 2
- Geographical perspectives on the British Diaspora
- Geographies of Friendships. Session 1, session 2, session 3, session 4
- “Getting lost on the way to Farmville”: Virtual, mobile and online spaces of interaction
- Meteorological Imaginations: Towards geographies of affective practices of weather, atmospherics and landscapes. Session 1, session 2, session 3
- Moving Geographies: Film and Video as Research Method. Session 1, session 2, session 3