Upcoming vacancies on the SCGRG committee

The following roles will be available from September this year. Elections to the Committee will be held at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for Committee membership will be accepted up to the beginning of the AGM (August 24th). Nominations must be in writing and include the names of the proposer and seconder.

Dissertation Prize Officer (1 year) – see role description below

RGS-IBG SCGRG Role Description 2020

AprilIn response to RHED (RGS-IBG), update call for nominations for dissertation awardUpdate call for nominations text (with deadline) and provide for RHEDRHED  
Confirm continuation of Social & Cultural Geography subscription arrangement with Taylor FrancisTaylor Francis
MayEncourage submissionsCirculate call for nominations via membership list and appropriate mailing lists and social mediaMembership secretary  
Crit-geog-forum and other geography mailing lists; Web Officer; Social Media Officer  
July        Coordinate assessment of submissionsCirculate sign-up for judging rounds to members   
Collate submission entries and organise in Dropbox folder; collate contact details for entries   
Send submissions & evaluation matrix to prize panel members,
with target deadlines for assessing submissions (2 rounds)
Prize panel members (expected to be all committee members)  
AugustAgree on award of prize (winner and runner-up)With Secretary and ChairBefore AGM 
Report to SCGRG AGM: number of entries, submitting institutions, prize winner and runner-up, and any other commendationsChair  
SeptemberAward prizeInform successful individual and all submitting departments of outcome   
Put prize winner in touch with RGS-IBG and Taylor Francis to receive prizeTreasurer Taylor Francis  
Update website and tweet news; do profile of winner and runner-up for website (see previous examples); send link to RGS-IBG for information.Web officer  

Conference Officer (1 year) – see role description below

RGS-IBG SCGRG Role Description 2020 – Conference Officer

JanuaryDecide on SCGRG sponsored sessions Prepare and disseminate submitted expressions of interest for SCGRG sponsored sessions to committee members in a timely fashion for decision re sponsored sessions in accordance with RGS guidanceSCGRG committee  
Communicate outcome with sessions proposers in a timely fashionContacts for EOIs
FebruaryLiaise with session convenorsLiaise with session convenors if requiredSession convenors of SCGRG sponsored sessions  
MarchLiaise with session convenorsLiaise with session convenors if requiredSession convenors of SCGRG sponsored sessions  
AprilInform RGS of sponsored sessions upon request RGS  
MayCheck conference timetableCheck conference timetable for clashesRGS  
Session convenors of SCGRG sponsored sessions  
JunePublicise SCGRG sponsored sessionsLiaise with session convenors, Web Officer, and Social Media officerSession convenors of SCGRG sponsored sessions  
Web Officer
Social Media Officer
NovemberPrepare call for SCGRG sponsored sessions for the RGS Annual ConferenceAwait announcement re RGS Annual Conference for following August. Discuss call for sponsored sessions with other officers and agree timeline (including meeting to decide . Prepare call for sponsored sessions based on agreed timeframe and instruction from RGS.RGS, Chair, Secretary  
DecemberDisseminate call for sponsored sessions. CRITGEOG, Web Officer; Social Media Officer, SCGRG list.  

Website & Social Media Officer (1 year)

Update the SCGRG website on a regular basis and share information via Twitter.

For more information on this role, please contact tracy.hayes@cumbria.ac.uk

Postgraduate Representative (1 year)

Information to be added.