The 2019 AGM of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG) will take place at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference in London on Friday 30th August at 13:10 (Venue forthcoming). All are welcome to attend.
We have six vacancies for Committee positions as current post-holders complete their terms of office:
This post is a three-year term (in the first instance) and the role involves coordination of the group’s activities. Each year the chair prepares the annual report with the Secretary and the Treasurer, and provides an interim report at the AGM in August/September. The Chair normally attends the RGS-IBG Research Groups Committee at the RGS, normally in October and March. The chair will usually be involved in SCGRG’s wider committee activities i.e. part of the judging panel for our undergraduate dissertation prize.
Education Officer
This post is a three-year term (in the first instance) and the role involves leading the research group’s education-related activities. The education officer will liaise with the RHED officer of the RGS-IBG, and other research groups where appropriate, to coordinate the development of education and outreach events and resources. The education officer will also liaise with the Early career and mentoring Officer to assist with the development of events, resources, and networks to support members. The education officer would usually be involved in SCGRG’s wider committee activities i.e. part of the judging panel for our undergraduate dissertation prize.
Conference Officer
This post is a key and important role for the group. The conference officer leads the coordination the group’s sponsorship and organisation of sessions at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference each year and other events and activities. The role involves compiling call for sessions proposals, liaising with session proposers, and organising the vote on the proposals by the committee. The conference officer would usually be involved in SCGRG’s wider committee activities i.e. part of the judging panel for our undergraduate dissertation prize.
Ordinary Committee Member (x 1)
This post is a three-year term (in the first instance). While without specific responsibilities, ordinary committee members would usually be involved in the SCGRG’s wider committee activities i.e. part of the judging panel for our undergraduate dissertation prize. Ordinary committee members may also be asked to provide support for named roles.
Postgraduate Representatives (x 2)
This post is a one-year term (in the first instance) and the role involves liaising with the RGS-IBG Postgraduate Forum, engaging with postgraduate issues through our SCGRG postgraduate blog and working with our other postgraduate representative(s) on related events and activities. The PG representative would usually be involved in SCGRG’s wider committee activities, i.e. part of the judging panel for our undergraduate dissertation prize.
Nominations for successors (who must be a Fellow or Postgraduate Fellow of the RGS-IBG) are now open. Nominations must be in writing to the Chair (Prof. Harriet Hawkins – Harriet.Hawkins@rhul.ac.uk) and Secretary (Richard Scriven – r.scriven@umail.ucc.ie) with the name of two nominators (these need not be Fellows of the RGS-IBG or existing committee members). The deadline for nominations is Friday 23rd August 2019. The elections will be conducted at the AGM itself.
Further opportunities to be elected to a named role or as an ordinary committee member may become available during the AGM itself. We’ll also be discussing different ways that our wider membership can get involved with SCGRG.
If you have any questions about any of the above posts or about SCGRG more broadly, please e-mail Harriet and Richard.