RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2011: Call for SCGRG Sponsored Sessions
- Location: RGS-IBG London
- Dates: 31st Aug – 2nd Sept 2010
- Conference theme: The Geographical Imagination
Visualisation, mapping, environmental reconstruction, landscape symbolism, terrain modelling, place picturing, virtual worlds, visionary worlds, cultural ecologies, climatic scenarios, patterned ground, sites of representation, image making, theory building, field observation…so many subjects and methods, topics and technologies, across the broad spectrum of geography, are powerfully shaped by a geographical imagination. The conference will explore many dimensions of the geographical imagination, including its histories and futures, meanings and materials, pleasures and politics, practices and effects. We welcome sessions and papers on the place of the imagination in geography’s many fields of enquiry, including multi-disciplinary fields within and beyond geography, and those which engage with a wider public.
Call for SCGRG sponsored sessions
We would like to invite proposals for Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG) sponsored sessions. As a large research group we are looking to sponsor a number of sessions at the RGS this year that showcase the diversity and vitality of current social and cultural geography and, ideally, relate to the conference theme. Research group sponsorship can help guarantee you get the right audience for your sessions and ensure there are no timetabling clashes with other sessions likely to interest similar people.
Proposals for sponsored sessions should be submitted to the SCGRG by 26th November 2010. Proposals should be of no more than one page, outlining the topic, its connection to current concerns in social and cultural geography, the format of the session (paper sessions or otherwise) and the number of anticipated slots required. Click here for further information about RGS-IBG 2011. For queries or to submit a proposal please contact Russell Hitchings (SCGRG Secretary) at r.hitchings@ucl.ac.uk.