The Social and Cultural Geography Research Group are sponsoring twelve sessions at the forthcoming Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) annual conference that will be held from 29th August – 1st September.
You can find when the conference sessions take place by searching for them here.
If you would like to read the abstracts for each of the sessions below, click here.
The list of sponsored sessions are as follows:
‘Placing’ knowledges in Social and Cultural geography: Postgraduate Snapshots
Phil Emmerson (University of Birmingham, UK)
Maddy Thompson (Newcastle University, UK)
Educational Landscapes: Nature, Place and Moral Geographies
Jo Hickman Dunne (Loughborough University, UK)
Sarah Mills (Loughborough University, UK)
Geographies of the body and technology
Lizzie Richardson (University of Durham, UK)
Cordelia Freeman (University of Nottingham, UK)
Dance and the geographies of (de)coloniality
Sofie Narbed (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
Non-representational geographies: practices, pedagogies and writing
Andrew S. Maclaren (University of Aberdeen, UK)
(en)Countering change, (dis)Assembling placeness
Marc Welsh (Aberystwyth University, UK)
Samantha Saville (Aberystwyth University, UK)
Muslim women’s geographies – decolonizing discourses, re-writing everyday lives
Dr Christine Schenk (University of Oxford, UK)
Negar Elodie Behzadi (University of Oxford, UK)
Akanksha Awal (University of Oxford, UK)
Critical perspectives on transnational education and knowledge mobilities in the Global South
Johanna Waters (University of Oxford, UK)
Maggi Leung (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
For whom and what do we grieve, when and where: The geo-politics of diverse experiences of death, bereavement and remembrance: human and non-human
Ruth Evans (University of Reading, UK)
Beth Greenhough (University of Oxford, UK)
Philip Howell (University of Cambridge, UK)
Avril Maddrell (University of Reading, UK)
Katie McClymont (University of the West of England, UK)
Valuing Heritage in the Postcolonial City
Mark Boyle (National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland)
Andrew McLelland (National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland)
A geography of small things: geographies of architecture beyond the high rise
Rachel Hunt (University of Durham, UK)
Julia Heslop (University of Durham, UK)
(Re)Engaging Geographies of Religions, Spiritualties, and Faith
Stephanie Denning (University of Bristol, UK)
Richard Scriven (University College Cork, Ireland)