RGS/IBG AC2011 sponsored sessions

The Social and Cultural Geography Research Group is delighted to be sponsoring the following sessions at the RGS/IBG conference in London 31 Aug – 2 Sept 2011.  If you are interested in submitting a paper, please follow the links and contact individual session organisers.  Session organisers have set their own deadlines for papers, but the final deadline for all sponsored sessions, complete with papers and abstracts, to be submitted to the Society is the 25th of February 2011.

Sole sponsor


We are also delighted to be sponsored the following interactive event. Please follow the link below to see how the story of your last conference bag can become part of an event tracing academic mobilities.

We had an unprecedented number of applications to the group this year, and given our limited allocation of conference slots, we regret we have not been able to sponsor the majority of session proposal submitted to us.  We hope these will still find a place within the conference programme, and look forward to attending all of your sessions.