Thanks to everyone who contributed to vibrant intellectual discussions at the RGS-IBG annual conference this year, and to all those who came along to the rather more organisational conversations at the AGM of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group.
We are delighted to welcome four new committee members. Rebecca Sandover and Mia Hunt are our new post-graduate representatives. Sarah Mills is taking over as membership secretary, and Hannah Macpherson is joining the committee. We are delighted to have them on board.
Many of you already have already been keeping in touch with the activities of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group via Facebook. We are delighted to announce that we now have a new twitter account @SCGRG_RGS. These resources are run collaboratively by the committee, and we welcome your input. We are very happy for all members, and others, to make use of these social media to post news or ask us to retweet items and events that will be of interest to the rest of the group.
Gail Davies (Chair)